Grant Received by 32nd Judicial District for Adult Mental Health Court

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or Chancery Court Clerk & Master 931-589-2217. 

judge spitzer 500x337Circuit Court Judge, Michael Spitzer, has secured a $103,991 state grant to establish an adult Mental Health Court in the 32nd Judicial District, which consists of Hickman, Lewis and Perry Counties.
Lewis County Government was selected by the state to receive and administer the funds for this grant, which is being distributed by the Tennessee Department of Mental Health & Substance Services.
This is a fully-funded grant requiring no match; therefore, no local tax dollars will be used.   According to Judge Spitzer, “The purpose of a Mental Health Court is to provide safe and effective treatment and supervision to eligible defendants, as opposed to the local jail or prison. Being able to identify such people will decrease the burden on the criminal justice system and local jails.”
According to state officials, the funding for this Mental Health Court grant is only guaranteed for one year. However, if the program is successful, it will likely be extended into the future. The 32nd Judicial District, nor Lewis County Government, is obligated to provide funding if the grant is not renewed.
“This is an important grant that will allow our justice system to provide better services and treatment for people with mental illnesses, while reducing jail costs and improving public safety,” stated Lewis County Mayor Jonah Keltner. “I really appreciate Judge Spitzer for his hard work in securing this grant and getting this court established for our judicial district.”
Perry County Circuit Court Clerk:
121 Main St., Linden TN 37096
(931) 589-2218


Perry County Chancery Court Clerk & Master:
121 Main St., Linden TN 37096
(931) 589-2217


Perry County Sheriff's Office:
582 Bethel Rd., Linden TN 37096
(931) 589-8803

courts system in Perry County

 The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice.  All information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only.


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