February 2025 Jury Summons

Perry County Court Clerk's Office now has online court records.  Visit https://tncrtinfo.com, select Perry County and use the Search feature on the site.

This site is not intended to provide legal advice, but a road map through the court system in Perry County.  Call Circuit Court Clerk for further information 931-589-2218
or Chancery Court Clerk & Master 931-589-2217. 

The next jury pool selection is set for February 21, 2023, at the Perry County Courthouse.  Jurors chosen to serve on a panel, are charged with the responsibility of deciding whether, on the facts of the case, a person is guilty or not guilty of the offence for which he or she has been charged. The jury must reach its verdict by considering only the evidence introduced in court and the directions of the judge.  This is a duty and obligation of being a U.S. citizen, not to be taken lightly.


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iOS or iPhones and iPad users:  This will not work in Apple products, only in Windows or Android.



The next jury pool is to be selected from those summonsed by the Circuit Court Clerk's office to come to the Perry County Courthouse on August 21

When you click on the pdf link above, you will be able to fill out the form online, print it when you are finished, and bring the signed document to the courtroom on August 21, 2023

If you wish to avoid coming to the courthouse on August 21, you can select a jury pool on the form of which you wish to be a member, and click on the Submit button at the end of the form.  The completed form will be forwarded by email to Joy Breeding, Circuit Court Clerk.

If you elect to receive text messages regarding jury duty, you must opt in by texting the word ALERT to 22300.  Some carriers restrict delivery of text messages.  If you do not receive a text message, please check with your carrier to see if they allow this type of message.

If you do not sign up for a panel, and wish to show up on August 21, 2022, please bring this form filled out with you.  Fill it out to the best of your ability, and if you think we might have questions, be sure to add a good contact phone number for your Home Phone.  We appreciate you taking your time to fill this in so we can continue the functions of juries for trial courts in Perry County.

Perry County Circuit Court Clerk:
121 Main St., Linden TN 37096
(931) 589-2218


Perry County Chancery Court Clerk & Master:
121 Main St., Linden TN 37096
(931) 589-2217


Perry County Sheriff's Office:
582 Bethel Rd., Linden TN 37096
(931) 589-8803

courts system in Perry County

 The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice.  All information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only.


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